Models of Instruction
A model of instruction is a map for how a type of lesson should flow. Understanding these models saves time and ensures high-quality lessons.
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Part 1: An Introduction to Models of Instruction
For TeachersAs a new teacher, I only knew one model of instruction: Direct Instruction. I was like a chef who only knew how to deep fry!
Part 2: Writing Concept Attainment Lessons
For TeachersIn a Concept Attainment lesson, we give students examples and non-examples of a concept -- without telling them what that concept is!
Part 3: Models of Instruction: Inquiry Training
For TeachersWant your students to ask better questions? Why not train them to inquire!?
Part 4: Running A Group Investigation Lesson
For TeachersLearn to lead a lesson that is built entirely on student curiosity.
Part 5: Add Layers To Direct Instruction
For TeachersTake direction instruction beyond a monotonous practice of the same skill over and over.