Better Questions
Is there any tool more critical to teaching than the humble question? Yet, we receive so little training on how to ask questions well!
Part 1: Asking Questions That Make Students Think
For TeachersHow can we ask questions that make students think rather than just remember?
Part 2: Creating Sequences of Questions
For TeachersHigh-level questions on their own simply aren't enough. We must create sequences of questions!
Part 3: Developing Questions that Prompt Thinking in Math
For TeachersMath is a particularly tricky subject for asking higher-level questions. Here are a couple of techniques I've used to prompt students to think, not merely calculate.
Part 4: Improving Wait Time
For TeachersHow much time do students get to think? How much time do students need to think? How can we bring those into alignment?
Part 5: Who Asks The Questions? And Who Answers?
For TeachersWhat would the pie chart look like for these three situations: the teacher asks the students, a student asks the teacher, or a student asks another student a question? I can tell you my pie chart would have been very lopsided.
Part 6: Improving Evaluative Questions
For TeachersHow to improve questions at the "evaluate" level of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Part 7: Running A “Notice, Wonder” Lesson
For TeachersUse these puzzling images to build a classroom culture that is comfortable with curiosity, ambiguity, and taking intellectual risks.