Valentines, Presidents, and Lunar New Year!
Let's make valentines with an educational twist!
Why are there 12 months? Why don't weeks fit into months evenly? Why don't weeks fit into the year evenly? What's going on with the calendar!
What if Kylo Ren wrote a love letter to Abe Lincoln or the Sahara Desert wrote one to the Moon?
Students will determine which founding US president is not like the others.
Wouldn't some holidays be better on a certain day of the week? Should Thanksgiving have a set date?
So who was the strangest of these eight presidents?
How many words can you find within Chocolate?
Students will determine which of these US Presidents is not like the others.
Students will determine which of these US Presidents is not like the others.
How many words can you find within February?
Students will determine which US President from the 19th century is not like the others.