Sample lessons structured around the Concept Formation model of instruction.
Starting with specific examples of fantastic classroom behavior, your class will end up with one sentence summing up their expectations. It's a classroom motto!
Students start with facts, then make groups, and then work with a single statement about Christmas Trees.
Plural nouns in English are deliciously fascinating. Yet most plural lessons are so dull! In this experience, students are given a pile of plurals and then inductively create groups and pull out rules and patterns.
Here's how one teacher uses inductive thinking to help students respond to literature.
So what could you do with a Universal Theme of Change? Well, here's an introduction that will get your students' brains sweating.
With inductive thinking, students will work from parts to whole, discovering big ideas along the way!
So what could you do with a Universal Theme of Power? Well, here's an introduction that will get your students' brains sweating.
So what could you do with a Universal Theme of Systems? Well, here's an introduction that will get your students' brains sweating.
So what could you do with a Universal Theme of Conflict? Well, here's an introduction that will get your students' brains sweating.