Encourage research, debate, and open-ended thinking with these academic tournaments.
Your students will set up a tournament to determine which person or character best demonstrated resiliency.
Which set of fractions would be the trickiest to order from least to greatest? Let's have a tournament!
Which of these inventions of the ancient world is most influential? Least useful today? Most taken-for-granted?
Want to move beyond memorizing the characteristics of biomes? In this lesson, students work through a Tournament of Biomes, explaining which biome wins in each round (based on criteria you choose). In the end, they crown a 👑 Champion Biome!
Which animal has the most interesting, most valuable, or strangest adaptations?
Which location is the most wondrous place in the solar system?
So who was the strangest of these eight presidents?
Who will win in a tournament of eight plants with Interesting adaptations!?
Which of these eight wonders deserves to become the Eighth Wonder of the World!?
Which object in the solar system is most habitable?
Which part of speech is most useful? Interesting? Strange?
Eight types of precipitation battle it out in this tournament.
Who would win in the Tournament of Most Honorable Presidents or Least Useful Geometric Shapes or Bravest Shakespearean Characters? Create an academic tournament and watch your students' brains sweat!
Who will win the tournament of Natural Disasters!?
Which domesticated animal will win the tournament?
Which of these pieces of exploration technology is most important? Most underrated? Most long-lasting?
Which type of energy will win the tournament!?
Who will win the tournament of North American countries!?
Who will win the tournament of European countries!?
Who will win the tournament of African Countries!?
Who will win the tournament of Countries in Oceania!?