Get Funding for Byrdseed.TV

If you’re excited about Byrdseed.TV but worried about the cost, don’t let funding hold you back! I’m amazed by all of the ways that educators, like you, find folks to pay for them. And there are so many people and organizations out there who want to support teachers — they just need to hear your request!

Here is a (growing) list of how teachers have found funding to pay for Byrdseed.TV:

  • Your principal
  • Your parent-teacher organization
  • Your school’s student council
  • Your state’s gifted association
  • Your district’s gifted program coordinator
  • County education grants
  • Local education association grants
  • Local library grants
  • Parent donations or
  • Your school alumni and your former students
  • Local businesses
  • Organizations like Rotary Club or Lions Club

And, if three different people/groups tell you no way, reach out to me directly and we’ll work something out: [email protected].