How many different ways can we use the word "gift" in a single paragraph? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many different ways can we use the word "care"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many different ways can we use the word "fruit"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many different ways can we use the word "change"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many ways can we use "check" in a paragraph? And can your students spot when it's a verb, or a noun, or an adjective?
What if we rewrote a piece of writing without using certain letters?
What if we rewrote a piece of writing without using certain letters?
How many different ways can we use the word "well"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many different ways can we use the word "thanks"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!
How many different ways can we use the word "limit"? Let's find out in this Parts of Speech Party!