Where in the world…
How is each of these four countries not like the others?
How is each of these states not like the others?
Which country has a great balance between their summer and winter Olympic medals?
Do big countries always have the most medals? Which smaller countries rank surprisingly high in the Olympics?
Is it an island or an archipelago?
Students will be working with examples and non-examples to deduce the topic of capital cities.
Which of these mountains is not like the others?
Who will win the tournament of North American countries!?
Who will win the tournament of European countries!?
Students will be working with examples and non-examples to deduce the topic of Countries vs Smaller Regions.
Who will win the tournament of African Countries!?
Students will determine which of these tiny countries is not like the others.
Students will determine which country in Africa is not like the others.
Who will win the tournament of Countries in Oceania!?