Numbers and Operations

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Disneyland Parking Structure Math Project

Your students will use estimation strategies to figure out how many parking spots are there in the parking structure at Disneyland? And you bet I reveal the real answer!

Addition: 3 Digits Plus 2 Digits (Multiple Solutions)

Typical practice problems don't move students up Bloom's Taxonomy. With this framework, you'll see kids stop and really think about how to approach multi-digit addition.

Place Value (Beyond Base 10)

Place value is something we cover in elementary school. It seems simple, but I'd wager that very few adults really understand the topic. I sure didn't until I worked with non-base-10 number systems in college. Your students can get a taste of this mind-boggling experience by imagining what it would be like if we didn't have the number 9. What would each digit represent then?

What If There Were No Hundreds Place?

Imagine a world with no hundreds place. We'd have to call it ten tens instead. But then, what would we call the thousands place? How would we read 9999? What if we added one more?

Rounding Numbers (But Not To 10)

What could we possibly do to make rounding more interesting for students who already get it? In this series, students consider how they might round to values other than "the nearest 10." How, for example, do we round to the nearest 9? 7? 15?

Evens and Odds – Addition and Subtraction

When we're adding and subtracting, do evens make odds into evens? Do odds make evens odd? Which one has… more power!?

Create Your Own Operation

The commutative and associative properties are a whole lot more interesting when you apply them to a mathematical operation that you created!

Calculators, Patterns, and Multiplying By Decimals

Before teaching students the procedure for multiplying with decimals, how much can they intuitively glean from a structured play session with calculators?

How Many Ways: Times Equals Minus

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fraction Equivalence

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

Subtraction: 3 Digits Minus 2 Digits (Multiple Solutions)

Typical practice problems don't move students up Bloom's Taxonomy. With this framework, you'll see kids stop and really think about how to approach multi-digit subtraction.

What Do Mean and Median Mean?

When will mean and median give us different results?

Percents and Credit Cards

Let's buy something expensive with a credit card and then make only the minumum payments!

How Many Ways: Times Equals Times

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

Subtraction: 3 Digits Minus 2 Digits (Single Solution)

Typical practice problems don't move students up Bloom's Taxonomy. With this framework, you'll see kids stop and really think about how to approach multi-digit subtraction.

Exponents – How Low Can They Go?

Using exponent patterns, can students predict what the 0th power will be?

How Many Ways: 2 Digit ÷ 1 Digit = 1 Digit

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fraction Subtraction 234

How many different ways can you make this fraction subtraction statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fraction Addition 234

How many different ways can you make this fraction addition statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Order of Operations 1

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

Polar Weather Report

Students work with negative numbers to create their Polar Weather Report.

How Many Ways: Multiply Fractions Equal 1/4

How many different ways can you make this fraction multiplication statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fractions Multiply 2/3

How many different ways can you make this fraction multiplication statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fraction Subtraction Equals 1/2

How many different ways can you make this math statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Fractions Divide Equals 2/3

How many different ways can you make this fraction division statement true using only the digits one through nine?

How Many Ways: Divide Fractions Equal 1/4

How many different ways can you make this fraction division math statement true using only the digits one through nine?