Small pieces of outstanding, public domain writing served up for your students to analyze.
A passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A classic bit of writing to explore with your students.
A passage from The Wind in the Willows to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from The Velveteen Rabbit to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from "Peter Pan" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
An intriguing passage from Anne of Green Gables to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from White Fang to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from Moby Dick to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from The Jungle Book to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from "The Fall of the House of Usher" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.