
Student-friendly art projects with easy-to-find materials.

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An Escher-Style Tessellation Project

Create a piece of repeating art in the style of MC Escher!

Writing About Art: The Scream

Your students will turn the iconic painting The Scream into a vivid, sensory poem.

Self Portraits Part One: Line Drawings

Anyone, yes anyone, can create a (somewhat) realistic self-portrait using these steps. Anyone!

Self Portraits: Text Art

What if a students' self-portrait was made of words that describe the student!?

Looping Grid Art

Pick a few numbers, draw some corresponding lines on grid paper, and you'll end up with some interesting, looping math-y art!

Fractals: Sierpinski’s Triangle

What if this triangle pattern just kept repeatingā€¦ forever!?

Fractals: Koch Snowflake

You could keep zooming in on this snowflake forever!

Teaching Empathy With Faberge Eggs

Terri Eicholz explains how she builds empathy in her students using the story of the Faberge Eggs.

Inferring With Art: A Man

What's going on in this painting? Who is that guy? What's his job? And where's his other boot?

Inferring With Art: Two Women

What are these two women up to? What's that thing she's holding? Let's make some inferences!

Parabolic Curve Art

Create mathematical art with curves that, well, aren't curvy.

Drawing Knots, Level 1

How to draw a simple version of this twisty Henri Matisse knot!

Thinking With Art: Head Down

Students will work their brain in several ways, noticing details, comparing, synthesizing, and finally identifying a parallel. All with one artist's work!

Self Portraits: Pointillism

Turn your students into a bunch of Monets with q-tips and some tempera paint.

Art Lesson: One-Point Perspective

Let's give our students an art history lesson while teaching them how to enhance their drawings using one-point perspective.

Introduction to Watercolor

Cindy Phan shares her method of introducing watercolor to students using a mosaic technique.

Inferring With Art: A Couple

What's going on in this room? There are shoes everywhere! Are thoseā€¦ oranges? Let's make some inferences!

Drawing An Impossible Triangle

Here's how you can draw The Penrose Triangle, an example of an impossible shape.

Concept Attainment: Art

Can your students tell the difference between cubism and abstract art?

Art Lesson: Two-Point Perspective

Let's get students' art really popping with two-point perspective!

Drawing Knots, Level 2

How to draw a more complex version of this twisty Henri Matisse knot!

Drawing Natural Curves Like Andy Goldsworthy

Teach students to draw, and then build on, natural curves using the style of artist Andy Goldsworthy.

Drawing Knots, Level 3

How to draw the final version of the twisty Henri Matisse knot!

Van Gogh Self-Portrait Tournament

Who will win the tournament of Van Gogh self-portraits!?