Writing samples for your students to read, analyze, evaluate, and maybe even mimic.
Want students to understand how a paragraph fits together? Explode one and make them reassemble it using the clues in each sentence! I even wrote a little app to bust a paragraph up for you.
One painting of a bridge. Three robots. Who wrote it best?
Students will read three paragraphs about the same topic, decide what makes each one different, and then create a super-paragraph!
Read three pieces of writing from three different robots about the same beautiful painting of a volcano. Who wrote it best?
Students will read three paragraphs about the same topic, decide what makes each one different, and then create a super-paragraph!
Students will read three paragraphs about the same topic, decide what makes each one different, and then create a super-paragraph!
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about earthquakes back into the correct order?
Students will read three paragraphs about the same topic, decide what makes each one different, and then create a super-paragraph!
Students will read three paragraphs about the same topic, decide what makes each one different, and then create a super-paragraph!
A passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
One painting of ruins. Three robots. Three pieces of writing. Who wrote it best?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about the coral reef back into the correct order?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about The Moon back into the correct order?
Read three pieces of writing from three different robots based on a beautiful painting and decide who wins!
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about The Great Sphinx back into the correct order?
A classic bit of writing to explore with your students.
A passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from The Wind in the Willows to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from The Velveteen Rabbit to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about rain clouds back into the correct order?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about automobiles back into the correct order?
A passage from "Peter Pan" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
An intriguing passage from Anne of Green Gables to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from White Fang to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about trains back into the correct order?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about great sloths back into the correct order?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about Pluto back into the correct order?
Can you use the context clues to get these sentences about Washington, DC back into the correct order?
A passage from The Jungle Book to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from Moby Dick to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.
A passage from "The Fall of the House of Usher" to use as a mentor text, discussion starter, or writing prompt.